Wednesday 31 July 2024

The Westernmost Point of France: Pointe du Raz

Pointe du Raz, located in the Finistère department of Brittany, is the westernmost point of mainland France and a dramatic natural landmark. This rugged promontory extends into the Atlantic Ocean, offering breathtaking views and a sense of untamed beauty.

Pointe du Raz: Highlights

  • Cliffs and Sea Views: Renowned for high cliffs plunging into the Atlantic, offering spectacular views of crashing waves and panoramic seascapes.
  • Baie des Trépassés: A nearby beach, popular with surfers for its strong waves, surrounded by cliffs.
  • Île de Sein: A small, picturesque island with a lighthouse and traditional Breton charm, accessible by boat.
  • Lighthouses: Important for navigation, including Phare de la Vieille and Phare de Tévennec, essential in this perilous area.
  • Legends and Folklore: Rich in Breton myths, like the Ankou, a death figure haunting Baie des Trépassés.


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