Monday 26 August 2024

Paxton Pits a few Dragons and more.

It was good to have some expert help from Paxton's Dragonfly expert who knew just where to look for the Ruddy Darter, Migrant Hawker and Common Darter.  The volunteers were busy putting up nest and owl boxes.  The two male Migrant Hawkers are not in good condition and have torn wings.  

There were a group of Buff-tip caterpillars  (Phalera bucephala) devouring the leaves of an Oak tree. I had never seen these before. Their behaviour was strange as they seemed to be rubbing themselves against each other. These develop into buff-tip moths, which are large moths with a wingspan of 44–68 mm. The caterpillars are yellow and black with a black head and a ring of short black stripes, and are covered in fine pale hairs. They can be seen from July to early October, and when fully grown, they enter the soil to pupate and overwinter. The adult moths emerge from late May to July.

Ann showed me some Wasp spiders and this year I thought there were many more to be seen. 

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