Monday 26 August 2024

Paxton Pits a few Dragons and more.

It was good to have some expert help from Paxton's Dragonfly expert who knew just where to look for the Ruddy Darter, Migrant Hawker and Common Darter.  The volunteers were busy putting up nest and owl boxes.  The two male Migrant Hawkers are not in good condition and have torn wings.  

There were a group of Buff-tip caterpillars  (Phalera bucephala) devouring the leaves of an Oak tree. I had never seen these before. Their behaviour was strange as they seemed to be rubbing themselves against each other. These develop into buff-tip moths, which are large moths with a wingspan of 44–68 mm. The caterpillars are yellow and black with a black head and a ring of short black stripes, and are covered in fine pale hairs. They can be seen from July to early October, and when fully grown, they enter the soil to pupate and overwinter. The adult moths emerge from late May to July.

Ann showed me some Wasp spiders and this year I thought there were many more to be seen. 

Thursday 1 August 2024

Conservatoire Botanique National de Brest

The Botanical Gardens in Brest, France, officially known as the Conservatoire Botanique National de Brest, is a renowned botanical garden dedicated to the conservation and study of rare and endangered plant species from around the world. Established in 1975, it occupies a significant place in the city’s commitment to environmental preservation and botanical research.

Situated in the western part of Brittany, the gardens span over 30 hectares, encompassing diverse landscapes such as valleys, rocky outcrops, and water bodies. This varied terrain allows for the cultivation of a wide range of plant species, each adapted to specific environmental conditions.

The Botanical Gardens in Brest are home to an impressive collection of flora, with a strong emphasis on species that are rare, endangered, or extinct in the wild. The garden's flora can be categorized into several key areas:

1. European Endemic Species

A significant portion of the garden is dedicated to plants native to Europe, particularly those from the Atlantic coast and Mediterranean regions. These include various species of oaks, heathers, and maritime pines, reflecting the diverse ecosystems of the continent.

2. Tropical and Subtropical Plants

The gardens boast an extensive collection of tropical and subtropical plants, housed in greenhouses that replicate their native climates. This includes species from Africa, Asia, and the Americas, such as orchids, bromeliads, and ferns. These greenhouses serve as a refuge for plants that cannot survive the temperate climate of Brittany.

3. Endangered Species

A primary mission of the Conservatoire is the conservation of endangered species. The garden plays a crucial role in the preservation and propagation of plants that are on the brink of extinction. Notable examples include species from islands like Madagascar and the Canary Islands, which are known for their high levels of endemism and vulnerability.

4. Thematic Gardens

The Botanical Gardens in Brest feature several thematic sections that highlight different plant groups and ecological themes. For instance, there is a section dedicated to medicinal plants, showcasing species used in traditional and modern medicine. Another section focuses on plants with economic importance, such as those used for food, fiber, and other commercial products.

5. Local Flora

Special attention is given to the native flora of Brittany and the broader region of western France. This includes a variety of coastal plants, heathland species, and forest understory plants that characterize the local ecosystems.

Research and Conservation

The garden is not just a public attraction but also a center for scientific research and conservation. It collaborates with various national and international organizations to conduct research on plant ecology, genetics, and conservation techniques. The propagation of endangered species for reintroduction into their natural habitats is a key aspect of their work.

I had my IR camera and iPhone which I attemptd to capture some of the features I observed.

Educational programs and guided tours are integral to the garden’s mission. These initiatives aim to raise public awareness about plant conservation and the importance of biodiversity. Interactive exhibits and seasonal events further enhance the educational experience for visitors of all ages

The Botanical Gardens in Brest, France, stands as a testament to the city’s dedication to environmental conservation and botanical science. With its rich and diverse collection of flora, the garden not only provides a sanctuary for endangered plant species but also serves as an educational resource and a place of beauty and tranquility for the public.