Little did I expect to be witness to Estonia Independence Day and it was a big occasion. Champagne for breakfast, free transport for the day, a huge parade on Freedom Square opposite our hotel, and evening celebrations with some dressing elegantly for a grand Ball. Estonia has been occupied in the past several times so it was an important day for Estonians and the city was crowded with local rather than tourists.
The Medieval city is fascinating and well preserved. My favourite street is Pikk street that is about a mile long. It is very beautiful and there are many intriguing buildings of historical note. The house on Pikk 23/25 was highly decorative and ornate showing influence of the Art Nouveau, German Neo-Renaissance and Neo-Mannerism. It even had a corner tower. There was so much architecutral detail. Here one can find Maiasmokk, the oldest operational cafe in Tallinn.
We had been blessed with sunshine and sadly did not experience Tallinn in snow. I do believe that it is forecast for later in the week.